I am woman, hear me roar! I will enjoy unparalleled success at work, raise high achieving children, keep an immaculate home, maintain a perfect loving relationship and have fulfilling friendships, oh AND try all those healthy and delicious recipes on Pinterest with success!
If you just shook your head and said, "What the hell?!" I agree!
What the hell?
We are collectively buying into a myth that we can accomplish everything everyday without error and all with a spring in our step and a twinkle in our eye. I'm going to have to call bullshit on this.
Multi-tasking is a myth.
Science even supports this. When you think you are multi-tasking, you are just rapidly stopping and starting different tasks.... BUT more importantly, are you getting any of them done? Probably not. How is the quality of your work when you attempt multi-tasking? Poor? Probably so.
On the same side of this particular coin is the multi-tasking business owner. He will buy the goods, he will market the goods, he will sell the goods and he will deliver the goods.
I am business owner, hear me roar!
Hmm, nah. It doesn't have the same ring.
I'm going to have to call bullshit on the myth of multi-tasking in this example too. So what's the answer? In this fragmented society of 1000's of things to do each day and 1000's of choices how do we cope?
How DO we cope?
We don't.
You read that correctly.
We can't do it all. It's simply not possible, not sustainable and the results will be poor. Our personal lives and our professional lives will suffer. Depressing enough? This isn't a doomsday post... I really do have an idea of what we can do. Instead.
In my case, I am a single mother with a house, a yard, a dog and a red headed teenager. I also have clients, parents, siblings and friends who rely on me each and every day. There was a time when I thought I had to do it all. I was absolutely miserable (but you would never have noticed) and didn't do anything well (this was very noticeable). I felt awful and would berate myself for not being everything to everyone.
But one particularly bad day that involved a lot of snot and tears and rather harsh self scrutiny I decided to forgive myself for not getting my impossibly long list done. I forgave myself and gave myself permission to scratch things off the list. Permanently off that }#$*^&! list. I learned (the hard way) that to be a productive member of my work team and to not be an asshole to my family I needed to prioritize my to do lists. Only the most crucial would and could get done, I called those "the need to be done's" and "the nice to have done's" would either be wait listed or hired out. (God Bless Maria!)
In business it's a very similar process.
- Does it need to be done?
- Does it have to be done by me?
- What is the cost vs time benefit?
- Could I hire it done cheaper and easier than doing it myself?
- Could I use that time to accomplish core business missives instead?
What on your business to do list is out of your scope of expertise? What do you DREAD having to do? What sucks the enthusiasm for your business away?
Now, forgive yourself for all of those. You are a successful business person without having to love everything about being in business nor do you have to do it all yourself.
Now, that list of crap you can't do or hate to do?
Call someone and hire them to do it.
BTW, If you can't or hate to do marketing and such.... I'm your gal! You can contact me here for a free consultation.