janet jorgensen

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What the !@#$ is UX? You could be using it everyday!

Many of you are  probably one of these too, but I am a voracious reader of industry info, business tips, marketing articles,  trend-spotting feeds and.... a whole lot of trashy internet crap.

 I confess!  I'm a news junky and it's not always BBC or NPR!

Did you know Kim K CUT HER HAIR?  OMG!  

I'm totally kidding, I really don't care about her  hair (only my own, especially after this happened!) but it did come up on my news feed about a bazillion times yesterday and somehow Kim Kardashian's sultry pout and shattered bob got me thinking about UX and how we as consumers and business owners are using it nearly everyday.  If not, we should be!  Here's why.  

First, what the hell is UX?  In simplest terms it is how you as a consumer (User) eXperiences the business and as a business, it is how your consumers are experiencing your brand. It is the intersection of buyers and sellers, that special moment when a consumers' needs meets a sellers' product.  And BOOM!  

For example, it could be how a consumer (i.e. a news junky like me)  interacts with your app or website for news about Kim K's haircut or it could be how a consumer experiences your physical product, i.e. the shears the hairstylist used to cut the now infamous new hairstyle.  I realized these are silly examples but bear with me....

As business owners (and/or UX designers) we need to curate the brand experience to create that special moment.  Keep in the mind the needs of your particular business and products PLUS the needs of your most ideal customers.  Here's how:

  • Who (demographic profiles of your users)
  • What (meet the need, whatever that might be)
  • Where (where are your users?)
  • How (How are you reaching them?)
  • Why (Why your product? How will you differentiate yourself?)

The process should begin BEFORE you even create your first product, (seriously!) it should continue throughout the bringing it to market process, and NOT END once the purchase is made, it MUST continue through the life-cycle of the product.  Keeping those key elements in mind during every stage of product development, marketing, through the sales pipelines and after the sale will create a UX that will result in business growth and consumer satisfaction.   

I'd love to hear from you, What do you see as the most important element of UX in your business?  What is your UX process?  

Before you go.....  If you'd like to get my updates in your email inbox, sign up below!  XO

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