Something happened to me when I was pregnant with Lil Red. Well, let's be honest, a LOT of things happen during pregnancy, but along with the lingering stretch marks and saggy bits, I took away something else that I don't always enjoy and can be rather inconvenient at times.
I turned into a sap.
A sentimental fool with a proclivity to getting misty eyed over the strangest things!
A cry-baby!
I've always been a sympathetic crier. If you cry, I will definitely cry. Much to my dismay I'm an angry crier too. BUT I've never been a person to become verklempt over a 30 second commercial.
But then, this happened. I remember watching TV and becoming so overcome with emotion over a commercial I called my twin sister. Her advice?
"Turn off the damn TV." Yup, keepin' it real! She's good that way.
But did I?
Of course NOT!
It is somehow oddly satisfying and cathartic to have a good sentimental cry! Which brings me to my point.
Why do we love to cry at TV commercials?
Because we love a good warm and fuzzy moment! These commercials connect with us on a deeply personal level and trigger either a cherished memory or a wishful fantasy and that generates our emotional response. Include babies, puppies and/or heroes? I'm a big ol' puddle of sniffly mush!
These are advertising commercials after all... Does this type of marketing actually work and result in increased sales?
The reason? Empathy. Especially during times of economic struggle, war or national pride, when we connect that deeply with a commercial, it will create fierce brand loyalty. We will search out and even pay more to buy that "special" brand as a result! Wow!
Being the polished professional marketer, I took a research poll.
Okay, okay, I just asked a handful of Facebook friends to tell me their favorite sentimental commercial but the results were awesome!
In no particular order are the winners:
Ah HELL! Hang on a minute, I've got to go get the box of Kleenex.
Let's get back to the list....
(mopping eyes and blowing nose)
The take away: Bringing your customers along on a sentimental journey to brand loyalty will enhance your relationship with your customers and will increase your bottom line.
Any good cathartic ads to add to this list?
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