I owe my daughter an apology. And probably all of you as well. I am a hypocrite. They say admission is the hardest part of the journey so I'm hoping by admitting my flaws, I can be a better mother, friend and business woman.
In our house, I've preached for the past 13 or so years, "Less Attitude, More Gratitude". I've threatened to put it on billboards and bumper stickers, to have t-shirts made and to make that the daily uniform for Lil Red. Less Attitude, More Gratitude. I loved the sound of it... it rhymes and I'm a sucker for that. I've said it so frequently, at times I was sick of hearing myself say it. Nowadays, I just get an exaggerated eye roll and the teenage huff-n-puff. Ever feel like the teacher in a Charlie Brown comic? You might imagine that's not the reaction I sought and I felt like my message had gone largely unheard.
Then I got fired.
Whoa! Talk about a harsh reality check! When I took the summer off to decide what I wanted to do professionally, a personal awakening happened as well. I realized I was the one with the attitude problem and it was me seriously lacking in gratitude. Man, introspection sucks! That glaring light illuminating your personal and professional shortcomings really takes a bite out of your ego. Crap! I was so busy reminding my poor sweet daughter to be grateful, I was the one missing the message entirely!
Dear Lil Red, I'm so sorry darlin'! I love you more. Yes, I do. Yes , I DO! XO Momma
Thus begins my NEW mantra, "Less talking, more doing". I, Janet, solemnly swear that I will have much less attitude (unless I'm wearing my leopard print stilettos, then all bets are off). I will have a oodles more gratitude. I will take steps each day to tell those around me how much I appreciate them. I will stop being a damn hypocrite to my amazing and talented daughter and to the rest of ya'll.
Thank you, all three of my readers, for supporting me in this new venture. I really appreciate your support. XO ~Janet
How do you show gratitude in your personal life? Professional life?
If you are interested in introducing gratitude into your marketing campaigns or corporate culture, let's talk about ways to do that. Contact me.